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Wendy’s Pumpkin Frosty Recipe with Ingredients & Calories

Wendy’s Pumpkin Frosty is a seasonal twist on their classic Frosty dessert drink, typically available during fall and around Halloween. If you’re a fan of pumpkin spice flavors and enjoy Wendy’s Frosty, the Pumpkin Frosty might be worth trying during the fall season. However, be aware that reviews are mixed, and it might not be for everyone.

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  • Pumpkin Spice: The key flavor is pumpkin spice, which combines warm notes of cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove with the taste of pumpkin.
  • Creamy Vanilla Base: The pumpkin spice flavor is blended into Wendy’s signature creamy vanilla Frosty base, creating a smooth and delightful treat.
  • Limited Edition: Since it’s a seasonal offering, it’s not available year-round.

Wendy’s Pumpkin Frosty Recipe

Here’s a homemade version you can try to capture the spirit of the seasonal treat:

Wendy’s Pumpkin Frosty ingredients:
  • Pumpkin Puree: This forms the base of the pumpkin flavor. Use canned pumpkin puree, not pumpkin pie filling (which has added sugar and spices).
  • Milk: Whole milk adds a richer texture, but low-fat or skim milk can be used for a lighter option.
  • Sweetened Condensed Milk: This sweetens and thickens the Frosty mixture.
  • Cool Whip (or Whipped Cream): Provides a creamy texture and a lighter option compared to ice cream.
  • Pumpkin Pie Spice: This blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, and ginger creates the classic pumpkin spice flavor.
  • Vanilla Extract (Optional): A touch of vanilla extract can enhance the overall flavor profile.
  • Ice Cream Maker (Optional): While not essential, an ice cream maker will create a smoother and creamier frozen texture.
  1. Combine Wet Ingredients: In a large bowl, whisk together the pumpkin puree, milk, and sweetened condensed milk until smooth.
  2. Add Spices & Flavorings: Stir in the pumpkin pie spice and vanilla extract (if using).
  3. Fold in Whipped Cream: Gently fold in the Cool Whip or whipped cream until just combined. Avoid overmixing to prevent the whipped cream from losing its air.
  4. Churn or Freeze:
    • Ice Cream Maker: If using an ice cream maker, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to churn the mixture until thickened and frozen.
    • No Ice Cream Maker: Pour the mixture into a shallow container and freeze for several hours, stirring occasionally to prevent ice crystals from forming.
  5. Serve: Scoop the frozen Pumpkin Frosty mixture into cups and enjoy!

Wendy’s Pumpkin Frosty Release Date

Wendy’s Pumpkin Frosty is a seasonal item typically released in early September and available for a limited time around Halloween.

Wendy’s Pumpkin Frosty Calories

Size Calories (Estimated) Fat (g) (Estimated) Carbs (g) (Estimated) Sugar (g) (Estimated) Sodium (mg) (Estimated)
Protein (g) (Estimated)
Small (12 oz) 400 $15.00 50 48 200 5
Medium (16 oz) 600 $20.00 75 72 300 7.5

Wendy’s Pumpkin Frosty Nutrition

Calories: A small Pumpkin Frosty typically contains around 340 calories. Larger sizes like medium and large would have more calories.

Fat: The fat content in a small Pumpkin Frosty is usually around 10 grams. This includes both saturated and trans fats.

Carbohydrates: Expect approximately 58 grams of carbohydrates in a small serving. This includes sugars and dietary fiber.

Protein: A small Pumpkin Frosty usually contains about 8 grams of protein.

Sodium: Sodium content is typically around 160 mg in a small serving.

Other Nutrients: The Pumpkin Frosty may also contain vitamins and minerals, but the exact amounts can vary. Pumpkin flavoring might contribute additional vitamins like vitamin A.

Ingredients: The ingredients in a Wendy’s Pumpkin Frosty generally include milk, sugar, cream, pumpkin flavoring (which may contain pumpkin puree or pumpkin pie spices), and possibly additional stabilizers or thickeners.

Allergens: The Pumpkin Frosty likely contains milk and may also contain soy, depending on the specific ingredients used.

Availability: The Pumpkin Frosty is typically available only during the fall season as a limited-time offering.


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